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How much the world really costs

Globalization should benefit all.

Not just a privileged few.

About us

In our international project, we are committed to fighting against the exploitation of the global south. We believe that every person deserves to be treated with dignity respect, regardless of where they come from. Join us in our mission to create a more just and equitable world for all.

We promise you to be


Being financially independent from governments and companies is crucial for and businesses alike. It allows for greater control over one's and reduces the risk of being influenced or controlled by external factors. Financial independence also provides a sense of security and stability, allowing for more freedom and flexibility in decision-making.


Transparency is an important aspect of building trust with our customers and stakeholders. By being open and honest about our business practices, we can establish a strong reputation and foster long-term relationships with your audience.


It is important to be inclusive because it ensures that everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, has access to the care and support they need. Inivity promotes equality and diversity, and helps to create a sense of community and belonging. By embracing inclusivity, care projects can better meet the needs of their clients and provide more effective and compassionate service.

Global money distribution

Supply chains

Ecological Impacts

How you can help


What we do

We try to fight poverty in various ways:



We strive to educate individuals about the economic disparities between the global north and south. Our goal is to raise awareness and promote understanding of this issue, in hopes of creating a more equitable world for all. Join us our mission to make a difference.


Suing law-breaking companies

Our team is dedicated to helping oppressed locals win court cases against large corporations. We believe in justice and strive to make it accessible to everyone. Let us help you fight for your rights.


Support on site

We are dedicated to providing medical assistance to those in need, especially in areas high poverty rates. Our team of professionals is committed to helping sick individuals on site, ensuring they receive the care they need to improve their health well-being.


Giving people a better workplace

We are committed to supporting ethical companies that prioritize their employees' well-being. We believe that everyone deserves a safe and positive workplace environment, and we work tirelessly to help companies achieve this goal. Join us in our mission to create a better workplace for all.

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Sofia Rodriguez

Modern slavery is a grave violation of human rights, and it is our responsibility to take action and create fair and just world for all.

Akira Nakamura

Wealth inequality is a major issue, impacting access to education, healthcare, political power, and social mobility. Let's strive for a more equitable future.

Lila Patel

Change is possible. Let's work towards a future with fair treatment and equal opportunities for all.
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